
Houston Trust Company provides customized portfolios based on the investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon of each client, whether they be personal investment accounts, trusts and estate, or foundations. Our open architecture approach frees us from any real or perceived conflicts of interest, as we do not use any proprietary products. We are completely independent in our recommendations and strategies.
Our investment philosophy favors the use of individual publicly traded equity securities and bonds. We believe equity ownership, delivered at low cost, is the best long-term vehicle to preserve purchasing power over time.
We define risk as a permanent loss of capital in our client portfolios. We view the due diligence process as a critical element of mitigating this risk in our portfolios through careful monitoring, evaluation, and analysis of our outside equity managers consisting of periodic on-site due diligence meetings for each respective approved manager. This more traditional approach differs from the current popular definition of equating “risk” to “volatility.”
Our Investment Advisory Committee meets regularly to oversee impartial investment decisions.
At Houston Trust Company, we recognize that there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to investing, as each client’s individual circumstances, risk tolerance, and goals will be unique.